How to Host SWAT 4 Server: A Comprehensive Guide :

Greetings fellow gamers and SWAT enthusiasts! Are you tired of playing on public servers with unreliable players and unpredictable gameplay? Do you want to control the environment and customize your SWAT 4 experience? Look no further! In this comprehensive guide, we will teach you how to host your own SWAT 4 server and enjoy the game on your own terms.

Why Host Your Own Server?

Firstly, hosting your own server allows you to control the gameplay environment. You can set the rules, the maps, the time limits, and the weapons used. This gives you a more customized and enjoyable experience tailored to your preferences.

Secondly, hosting your own server means you can play with your friends and fellow gamers without interruptions from strangers and trolls. It’s a great way to bond and have fun together!

Thirdly, hosting your own server is a great way to improve your technical skills. It’s an opportunity to learn about server administration, network setup, and troubleshooting.

Now let’s dive into the specifics of hosting your own SWAT 4 server.


Before we get started, there are a few prerequisites you need to take care of:

Item Description
SWAT 4 Game You need to have the game installed on your computer.
Good Internet Connection You need to have a stable and fast internet connection.
Dedicated Server Software You need to download the dedicated server software from the official website.
Port Forwarding You need to enable port forwarding on your router to allow incoming connections to your server.

Now that you have taken care of the prerequisites, let’s move on to the steps of hosting your own SWAT 4 server.

Step 1: Download the Dedicated Server Software

The first step is to download the dedicated server software from the official SWAT 4 website. You can find the link on the homepage of the website under the “Downloads” section. Choose the version that is compatible with your operating system and download it to your computer.

Step 1.1: Installation

After downloading the software, run the installer and follow the instructions to complete the installation process. Make sure to select the correct installation directory and create a shortcut to launch the server software easily.

Step 1.2: Configuration

After installing the software, you need to configure it according to your preferences. Launch the software and you will see a window with several tabs. The most important tabs are the “Game” tab and the “Network” tab.

The “Game” Tab

The “Game” tab allows you to configure the game settings such as the maps, the time limits, and the weapons used. You can also create your own rules and game modes.

Here are some common settings:

Setting Value
Game Type Cooperative
Max Players 16
Maps Choose the maps you want to play on.
Time Limits Choose the time limits for each map.
Weapons Choose the weapons you want to allow.

The “Network” Tab

The “Network” tab allows you to configure the network settings such as the server name, the IP address, and the port number.

Here are some common settings:

Setting Value
Server Name Choose a unique and descriptive name for your server.
IP Address Enter the IP address of your computer.
Port Number Choose a port number for your server.
Internet Game Check this option if you want your server to be visible to the public.

Once you have configured the game and network settings, save the configuration and close the software.

Step 2: Enable Port Forwarding

The second step is to enable port forwarding on your router to allow incoming connections to your server.

Step 2.1: Find Your Router’s IP Address

The first step is to find your router’s IP address. Open the command prompt on your computer and type “ipconfig”. Look for the “Default Gateway” value and note down the IP address.

Step 2.2: Access Your Router’s Configuration Page

The second step is to access your router’s configuration page. Open your web browser and enter the IP address of your router in the address bar. Enter the username and password to log in to your router.

Step 2.3: Enable Port Forwarding

The third step is to enable port forwarding. Look for the “Port Forwarding” or “Virtual Servers” option in your router’s configuration page. Add a new rule with the following settings:

Setting Value
Service Name SWAT 4 Server
Protocol TCP/UDP
External Port Choose a port number for your server.
Internal IP Address Enter the IP address of your computer.
Internal Port Choose the same port number as the external port.

Save the rule and exit the configuration page. Your router is now configured to allow incoming connections to your server.

Step 3: Launch Your SWAT 4 Server

The final step is to launch your SWAT 4 server. Launch the server software by clicking on the shortcut you created earlier. Your server should now be visible in the server list of the game. Join your own server to test it out and make sure everything is working properly.


Q1: Do I need a powerful computer to host a SWAT 4 server?

A: Not necessarily. As long as you meet the minimum requirements of the game, you should be able to host a server. However, the more players you have, the more resources your computer will need to allocate to the server.

Q2: Can I change the server settings while the server is running?

A: Yes, you can. However, any changes you make will only take effect after the server is restarted. It’s best to configure all the settings before launching the server.

Q3: Can I ban players from my server?

A: Yes, you can. Launch the server software and go to the “Players” tab. You can ban players by their IP address, their name, or their Steam ID.

Q4: How many players can I have on my SWAT 4 server?

A: The maximum number of players is 16.

Q5: Can I customize the server maps and game modes?

A: Yes, you can. Use the “Game” tab in the server software to choose the maps, time limits, weapons, and rules for your server.

That’s it! You now have the knowledge and skills to host your own SWAT 4 server. Enjoy the game and have fun!

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